Postpartum Care

Compassionate and thoughtful care for new parents.

  • Scar Pain and Sensitivity

    Pelvic floor re-training

    Pain with penetration

  • Scar pain and sensitivity

    Core Weakness

    Pelvic Pain

  • Pressure in the abdomen and pelvis

    Vaginal pressure (like you have a tampon in, but don’t)

    Rectal pressure

    Straining to urinate or have a BM

    Discomfort with prolonged standing, childcare, lifting, exercise

    Pain with penetration

  • SI Joint Pain

    Round Ligament Pain

    Pubic Symphysis Pain

    Sitting Bone Pain

    Tailbone Pain

  • Leakage with sneeze, cough, laugh (stress)

    Leakage with urge (futzing with your pants, key in the door)



    Pain with Urination

  • Gas or fecal incontinence



    Pain with bowel movement

  • Customized exercise instruction for strength and mobility of pelvic floor muscles, abs, and more

  • Transverse abdominis strengthening

    Core stability training

  • Learn how to lift and care for baby without injuring your body